Storage Tank Services
Whether you have a leaking underground storage tank (LUST), storage tanks that need to be removed or replaced, or are dealing with the environmental impacts of a storage tank release, GeoServices, Ltd. has professionals on staff to ease you through this sometimes difficult process.
GeoServices, Ltd. offers a broad range of storage tank services including:
Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)
Storage Tank Management
GeoServices’ staff has experience dealing with hundreds of storage tank projects. We have managed the removal and installation of above ground storage tanks (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs), as well as managed and remediated releases from storage tanks.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs)
Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) in Pennsylvania will be governed either by the Storage Tank Program (Chapter 245) or Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling Act, commonly referred to as Act 2 (Chapter 250). Our personnel are well versed in dealing with either program and can manage all aspects of storage tank systems, regardless of size.
Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs)
Storage Tank Management
GeoServices’ staff has experience dealing with hundreds of storage tank projects. We have managed the removal and installation of above ground storage tanks (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs), as well as managed and remediated releases from storage tanks.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs)
Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) in Pennsylvania will be governed either by the Storage Tank Program (Chapter 245) or Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling Act, commonly referred to as Act 2 (Chapter 250). Our personnel are well versed in dealing with either program and can manage all aspects of storage tank systems, regardless of size.
Remedial Action Services
While there are many reasons to perform a site remediation, the ultimate goal is to take a property that has a reduced value due to a real or perceived environmental impact and to restore the value of that property. This understanding along with a desire to preserve undeveloped property is what has driven the Brownfields movement. There are still many sites at which clean up is driven by regulatory pressure, but in Pennsylvania much of the site remediation is voluntary, through the Act 2 program. Pennsylvania’s Recycling and Remediation Standards Act (Act 2), like Brownfields legislation in other states, uses a risk-based remediation goal. Given the flexibility of a risk-based standard, the greatest savings in a site remediation can be obtained through the selection of an appropriate standard and associated remediation strategy. Because GeoServices is not a remediation contractor, we have no inherent preference for a particular remedial strategy so we are in the ideal position to provide a creative, cost-effective approach to site remediation. We do not suffer from the “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail” approach.
Developing Remedial Strategies
To develop a meaningful remedial strategy, a complete site characterization is required. Following completion of the site characterization, fate and transport modeling and risk assessment may be used to determine the most effective remedial strategy. GeoServices has extensive experience in developing efficient site remedial action plans and supervising the remediation. Often, the reduction of site contaminants is unnecessary, either because it can be shown that no unacceptable risk is present or by reducing the risk through Uniform Environmental Covenants (deed notice or deed restriction) or institutional controls.
Contaminant Reduction
When contaminant reduction is necessary, GeoServices has experience in a wide variety of remedial options. GeoServices has experience with a broad range of remedial techniques ranging from passive in-situ methods to dig and haul soil remediation.
Vapor Intrusion
Vapor Intrusion and Vapor Pathway Assessment
Vapor intrusion into occupied structures is a concern that was first recognized as the entrance of sewer gas into structures. Vapor intrusion was also clearly demonstrated by the explosion of homes constructed on former landfills as a result of the build up of methane gas. More recently, gasoline releases from underground storage tanks have been identified as the cause of exposure to hazardous and explosive vapors in nearby residential structures.
Vapor intrusion into occupied buildings requires relatively high contaminant concentrations in close proximity to the building and, therefore, is not a common exposure scenario. However, the risk associated with this exposure route is relatively high. In the event that free product is migrating toward occupied structures due to a large release of a very volatile compound, such as gasoline, or due to the presence of a preferential pathway, there is great potential liability for the responsible parties.
Routes of Vapor Exposure
Vapors are drawn into structures as a result of the presence of a high concentration of vapors in the subsurface in close proximity to the structure and the pressure gradient between the atmospheric pressure in the subsurface and the negative pressure in the structure as a result of heating systems and stack effects. The most common route by which high vapor concentrations are present near the building foundations is a preferential pathway. Preferential pathways are routes by which vapors can move much more readily than in the remainder of the subsurface. Such preferential pathways include sewer lines, the coarse backfill surrounding underground utilities, and storm water systems.
Assessment of the routes for vapor exposure is included in the exposure pathway identification portion of a risk assessment. Assessment of the presence and completeness of this exposure pathway is critical for directing risk-based corrective actions and ultimately obtaining regulatory closure for a release.
Vapor Intrusion and Vapor Exposure Assessment Services
GeoServices, Ltd. provides vapor exposure assessment services to establish attainable risk-based site-specific cleanup goals and in support of litigation. Vapor exposure is frequently cited by plaintiffs as a source of health risk as well as monetary damages. As noted above, vapor intrusion is not a common pathway making it critical that highly qualified professionals are utilized to assess the presence, completeness, and magnitude of the risk for exposure through vapor intrusion. Whether your concerns are a cost-effective site remediation where vapors may be present or the assessment of vapor intrusion damage claims, GeoServices has the experience and expertise to provide a professional, scientific and supportable assessment.
USTIF Funding Assistance
Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF)
If your underground storage tank (UST) has had a release, you could be on the hook for some costly remediation. However, there may be help. GeoServices has successfully obtained assistance for Underground Storage tank (UST) owners and operators who suffered a release from their UST after February 1, 1994.
The Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act, Act 32 of 1989
The Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act, Act 32 of 1989, 35 P.S. §§6021.101 et seq., was amended to require storage tank owners to carry insurance coverage. The Underground Storage Tank Indemnification Fund (USTIF) was founded to assist owners and operators in meeting their insurance requirement. USTIF makes claim payments to eligible UST owners or operators for damages caused by a release from their UST. The USTIF even indemnifies tank owners for third party liability that may occur when the release from a tank has injured another person or that person’s property. There are other eligibility requirements, and we are here to help you understand if you qualify and the filing process.
Site Characterization
Before site remediation can begin, a thorough site characterization must be completed to determine the extent, magnitude, and chemistry of the contamination along with the physical setting of the site. Since every site is unique, GeoServices uses a phased approach to ensure that the necessary data is collected efficiently. We have been involved with many projects in which other consultants have collected massive quantities of data apparently without integrating the data to develop a useful conceptual model of the conditions and data requirements. The extensive experience and education possessed by GeoServices’ staff provides the necessary basis to effectively integrate varied types of data required by an effective site characterization.
Site Characterization Data Integration
The types of data and data integration techniques required for site characterization may include:
- History of site operations
- History of site releases and nearby releases
- Geologic setting
- Media impacted
- Distribution of contaminants in the different media
- Characteristics of the individual contaminants
- Impacts of activities in the surrounding area, such as pumping wells
- Pathways for contaminant migration
- Pathways for exposure to contaminants
- Development of a site conceptual model
- Fate and transport modeling
- Risk assessment
GeoServices has over twenty years of experience collecting these types of data and integrating them into a meaningful understanding of the site. We also have a great deal of experience integrating data collected by others both to complete projects and for litigation support.
Storage Tank Management
GeoServices’ staff has experience dealing with hundreds of storage tank projects. We have managed the removal and installation of above ground storage tanks (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs), as well as managed and remediated releases from storage tanks.
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUSTs)
Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) in Pennsylvania will be governed either by the Storage Tank Program (Chapter 245) or Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling Act, commonly referred to as Act 2 (Chapter 250). Our personnel are well versed in dealing with either program and can manage all aspects of storage tank systems, regardless of size.
Storage Tank Projects
GeoServices, Ltd. has completed hundreds of storage tank projects, ranging from homeowner storage tanks to gas stations and commercial facilities to bulk storage facilities.
Please give us a call to discuss your project, or click “Contact Us” above to request additional information.