Marcellus Shale Natural Gas and Environmental Resource Management
Marcellus Shale and natural gas exploration is a rapidly expanding and dynamic field with intense water supply needs. Let GeoServices, Ltd. become your environmental resource management company. Not only can GeoServices, Ltd. help meet your frac water needs, but we can also help with water quality issues, impacts to local wells, and, if problems occur, characterize the true source of contaminants in local water supply wells.
Natural Gas Extraction Services
GeoServices, Ltd. offers the following services that are vital to natural gas extraction in the Marcellus Shale:
Frac Water Supply
The rapidly expanding natural gas industry drilling in the Marcellus Shale has developed a tremendous need for water resources. Each well may require several million gallons of water to develop the natural gas well. GeoServices’ personnel routinely aid the natural gas industry in locating and securing water supply sources to frac Marcellus shale wells.
Obtaining Water Sources
GeoServices has experience obtaining water sources from surface water, ground water, and public water supplies. We have completed surface water withdrawal applications, ground water withdrawal applications, and completed permit by rule applications with the SRBC. Our staff of geologists has the experience and ability to locate and secure water sources needed by the natural gas industry.
Marcellus Drilling Permits
GeoServices’ experienced staff deftly navigates the permitting process for natural gas extraction wells. We provide support to obtain the permits and the Water Management Plan required by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) to extract natural gas from the Marcellus Shale.
PADEP Permits
The PADEP requires numerous permits to drill a natural gas extraction well in Pennsylvania. Some of the more commonly required permits may include:
- Erosion and Sediment Control General Permit (ESCGP-1)
- Dam permit for a centralized impoundment
- Dam Permits
- Stream encroachment
- Water Management Plan
Other permits may also be required, depending on site activity.
SRBC Permits
When working within the Susquehanna River Basin, the SRBC also has multiple permit requirements. GeoServices routinely works with the SRBC to obtain these permits for several applications.
- Surface Water Withdrawal
- Ground Water Withdrawal
- Consumptive Use
- Approval by Rule
Marcellus Litigation Services
GeoServices’ forensic scientists have an outstanding record of success in the courtroom as well as providing expert consultation with Counsel. We offer our experience and expertise to solving problems involving Marcellus Shale drilling impacts.
Litigation Support Services – Marcellus Shale
Litigation support by GeoServices’ professionals has spanned the entire range of services offered by the firm and includes:
- Expert Testimony
- Technical Case Review
- Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis
- Ground Water Modeling
- Vapor Intrusion Evaluation
- Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling
- Regulatory Support & Review
- Graphics Preparation
- GIS Database Preparation
GeoServices’ experts have provided testimony in a variety of jurisdictions, including: U.S. District Court; Superior Court in New Jersey; Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania; Circuit Court in Maryland; Supreme Court in New York; and numerous County and local planning and zoning jurisdictions.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) Interface
GeoServices, Ltd. routinely represents the interests of our clients on a wide variety of regulatory issues. These services range from preparation of permits and assistance in negotiation with regulatory agencies to providing testimony in hearings and public meetings on local, statewide, and regional jurisdictions.
State Regulatory Agencies
In many cases, state regulatory agencies enforce not only laws of their respective states but also the requirements of Federal statutes. GeoServices’ professionals are experienced in interfacing with regulatory agencies in a number of jurisdictions including Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, New York, Ohio and Maryland. Our work on behalf of our clients includes permit preparation and meeting with the agencies as needed to assure understanding of issues.
River Basin Commissions
For projects in the Susquehanna and Delaware River basins, use of water resources is governed by both the appropriate state agency and the respective River Basin Commission (RBC). GeoServices has more than 20 years experience working with the RBCs. The allocation of resources by the Commissions can be arduous, but GeoServices’ experience and expertise in obtaining allocation permits streamlines and eases the process. Whether you are obtaining a ground water withdrawal allocation, surface water withdrawal application, consumptive use application, or need water to support Marcellus natural gas drillers, GeoServices has an excellent working relationship with the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) and is only minutes from their office in Harrisburg. Similarly, we have interfaced with the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) and can assist you in dealing with water allocation issues and permitting in either of the two basins.
Local Jurisdictions
GeoServices’ personnel have assisted in preparation of plans for local Planning Commissions and have presented plans and concepts before municipal authorities and local governments. We have also presented testimony in public meetings and in zoning hearings in numerous venues in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, New Jersey and Delaware.
Water Quality Testing and Assessments
Water quality sampling is an integral aspect of our business. GeoServices’ staff of scientists routinely develops work plans or sampling plans to assess water quality for a variety of purposes, including:
- Environmental characterization
- Water supply quality assessment
- Act 2 (Land Recycling)
- Storage tank releases (LUSTs)
- Litigation support
- Natural gas investigations (stray gas assessment, baseline assessments, impact assessments)
Developing a Hydrogeologic Sampling Plan
Sampling may require vastly different methods and analysis. GeoServices’ expert hydrogeologists and scientists will design and implement a sampling plan that is appropriate for your site.
Source Water Development
Ground Water Availability Analysis
Whether you are a public water supplier, developer, or gas driller seeking frac water supplies, responsible, sustainable development of ground water resources requires the completion of a comprehensive ground water availability analysis. The ground water availability analysis is used at various stages of ground water supply development to assess the potential resource available for development and can be used to focus future work on areas with surplus ground water resources.
River Basin Commission and State Regulatory Requirements
River Basin Commissions such as the Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) require that a ground water availability analysis be completed as a part of an Aquifer Testing Plan to ensure that sufficient ground water is available for development. Other state regulatory agencies also require that these basin analyses be completed to insure that ground water resources are developed responsibly and in a sustainable manner to minimize impacts to other users and habitat. GeoServices routinely completes both detailed and preliminary ground water availability analyses during ground water development projects.
Preliminary Ground Water Availability and Comprehensive Ground Water Availability
GeoServices completes preliminary ground water availability analyses to focus future studies in areas where sufficient ground water is available for development. These preliminary analyses are completed during well siting studies to either eliminate well sites or to rank sites higher, based on ground water availability. A comprehensive ground water availability analysis is completed to demonstrate to the appropriate regulatory agency that all of the significant water uses in the basin have been assessed and that sufficient water resources are present in the basin to satisfy the needs of all the users.
Like it or not, permits are a part of nearly every business activity. GeoServices’ professionals can help guide you through the sometimes complex and occasionally frustrating permitting process. Our professionals are experienced with preparation of a wide variety of permits and the process of review and permit submission.
Land Disturbance and Natural Resource Use Permits
We are experienced with nearly every type of permit involving land disturbance or natural resource use, including:
- SRBC and DRBC allocation permits
- Water supply permits
- Non-coal mining permits
- Marcellus shale drilling permits
- SPCC Plans and renewals
- DEP permits
- Storm water permits
- NPDES permits and renewals
- Dam safety permits
For more information give us a call or “Contact Us“!
Impact Avoidance and Mitigation
GeoServices has more than 20 years experience in mitigation, cleanup, and closure of contaminated sites. We are proud to apply this experience to problems related to development of Marcellus shale gas supplies and have developed innovative approaches to problems unique to the extraction industry.
Contaminant Release Characterization and Cleanup
Release of contaminants occurs despite the most rigorous spill prevention and safety plans. When a release occurs, we can provide a broad range of services to help mitigate damages. While GeoServices is not an emergency spill responder, we are extremely effective in follow up to assure that potential lingering environmental issues are resolved and to help minimize damages caused by the initial response. Our expertise is working through the mitigation process to assure technically sound, timely, and cost effective resolution of environmental issues. Some of the activities which may be completed include:
- Site Characterization
- Site Remediation
- Risk Assessment and Contaminant Fate and Transport Analysis
- Storage Tank work
- Act 2 Closure for release of liability
Ground Water Quality and Geochemical Characterization
Release of contaminants and stray gases can occur. Currently, issues regarding stray gas migration are in the news almost daily and are the subject of political and regulatory discussions. In fact, on October 12, 2010, the PADEP Environmental Quality Board approved regulations related to gas migration response which require that an operator immediately conduct an investigation upon learning of a gas migration incident. Unless sufficient attention is paid to background water quality and potential migration pathways, misidentification of the true source of gas migration or other contaminant releases can occur. GeoServices has developed a program to help minimize problems associated with these issues. The program includes the following elements:
Ground Water Quality Characterization
- Review and prepare sampling programs and sampling plans.
- Prepare conceptual models and select sampling locations and parameters for testing.
- Collect ground water, surface water, soil gas, and vapor intrusion samples.
Water Quality Data Management and Geochemical Evaluation
- Geochemical evaluation to identify similarities and differences between water samples that go beyond simple comparison of numeric results.
- Statistical evaluation of trends and data correlation.
- Database management and GIS mapping, including spatial and temporal evaluation of data.
Baseline Sampling
- Develop testing parameters and field protocols and sample wells.
- Develop and conduct homeowner questionnaire and interviews.
- Evaluate existing well construction, water level, and yield.
- Conduct screening and investigation for stray gas and vapor intrusion.
Stray Gas Evaluation
- Conduct historic review of gas migration incidents.
- Identify predominant geologic features and fractures.
- Develop 3-D site-specific conceptual model for stray gas migration.
- Identify sampling locations to evaluate both vertical and horizontal distribution.
- Identify parameters for testing and establish sampling protocol.
- Measure combustible gas concentrations at wells and surrounding features and collect samples.
Ground Water Monitoring of Pad Sites
- Install ground water monitoring wells for pad site infrastructure.
- Complete periodic sampling of ground water for release detection.
Environmental Review of Drilling Procedures
Drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale presents challenges, particularly in Pennsylvania. Reports of impacts to local wells as a result of natural gas drilling have recently made headlines across the area and new regulations are being promulgated to limit potential impacts from drilling. For example, identification of the depth of the deepest fresh ground water is now (or soon will be) required. As no maps of these data are currently available, site-specific information must be developed. GeoServices’ experienced personnel can identify conditions which may impact drilling or the environment surrounding the drilling site to reduce impacts.
- Assessment of depth to deepest fresh ground water
- Assessment of topography
- Geologic assessment
- Drilling methods assessment
- Borehole geophysics
- Background sampling
- Post-drilling sampling
Instream Flow Incremental Model (IFIM)
Marcellus Shale Natural Gas and Environmental Resource Management
Marcellus Shale and natural gas exploration is a rapidly expanding and dynamic field with intense water supply needs. Let GeoServices, Ltd. become your environmental resource management company. Not only can GeoServices, Ltd. help meet your frac water needs, but we can also help with water quality issues, impacts to local wells, and, if problems occur, characterize the true source of contaminants in local water supply wells.
Natural Gas Extraction Services
GeoServices, Ltd. offers the following services that are vital to natural gas extraction in the Marcellus Shale:
- Frac Water Supply
- Marcellus Drilling Permitting
- Marcellus Litigation Services
- Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) Interface
- Water Quality Testing and Assessments
- Source Water Development
- Permitting
- Impact Avoidance and Mitigation
- Instream Flow Incremental Model (IFIM)
- Stray Gas
GeoServices, Ltd. can meet all of your natural gas development, water supply and environmental resource needs. Please call us or click “Contact Us” above to request additional information.
Stray Gas Evaluation
For producers in the Marcellus Shale, the problem of stray gas migration from older gas wells and shallow gas-bearing formations is a growing concern. The concern is particularly evident in areas where there is heightened concern by property owners whose water supplies are dependant on ground water and where water supply wells may be vulnerable. GeoServices’ program of stray gas evaluation is designed to address regulatory requirements, and identify and characterize stray gases so that an impact can be properly characterized and the source of the gases determined. The evaluation is useful in mitigating problems associated with stray gas as well as providing baseline data and attribution should litigation arise as a result of a release. Elements of our stray gas evaluation services include:
- Conduct historic review of gas migration incidents.
- Identify predominant geologic features and fractures.
- Develop 3-D site-specific conceptual model for stray gas migration.
- Identify sampling locations to evaluate both vertical and horizontal distribution.
- Identify parameters for testing and establish sampling protocol.
- Measure combustible gas concentrations at wells and surrounding features and collect samples.
GeoServices, Ltd. can meet all of your natural gas development, water supply and environmental resource needs. Please call us or click “Contact Us” above to request additional information.