Litigation Support
Simple. Easy to understand. Credible. Convincing. Technically sound. These elements embody GeoServices’ approach to successful and effective technical litigation support. Providing a powerful expert position requires a blend of sound scientific analysis, understanding of the litigation process, open communication with Counsel, witness credibility, and the ability to communicate with judges and juries. Our forensic scientists have an outstanding record of success in the courtroom as well as in providing expert consultation with Counsel.
Litigation Support Services
Litigation support by GeoServices professionals has spanned the entire range of services offered by the firm and includes:
Expert Testimony
Since it’s founding in 1989, GeoServices, Ltd. (GeoServices) has provided expert litigation and forensic science services to in-house and local Counsel. Building on that experience, we have assembled a superior technical team capable of providing strong technical support. We provide a range of litigation services including both testifying and support services.
Our personnel have extensive experience and an exceptional litigation track record providing expert reports and testimony on a wide variety of subjects. These successes were the result of a strong collaboration of excellent legal representation and sound technical support.
We provide expert consultation, reports, and testimony in a wide variety of geologic and hydrogeologic fields, including the following:
- Hydrogeology
- Computer Modeling
- Numeric hydrogeologic models
- Fate and Transport models
- Gasoline additives
- Vapor transport
- Vapor intrusion
- Risk assessment
- Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Chlorinated solvents
- Metals
- Exposure
- Natural attenuation
- Remedial Systems design, construction and operations
- Cost Evaluations
- Cost Apportionment
- RCRA facilities
- Quarry De-watering
In addition to direct testimony and opinion preparation, GeoServices provides a variety of support services to the legal community. These include:
Technical Case Review
These services are provided to assist Counsel in early stages of litigation to aid in understanding the technical merits of a case and in making a go/no go decision on technical merits.
Third party technical review
These reviews are provided to Counsel as a reality check on technical arguments made by others, including in-house technical staff and outside technical experts.
Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis.
In cases where cost recovery damages are sought for site clean up, a careful and thorough assessment of remediation costs is required. GeoServices is experienced in remedial system alternatives evaluation, design, costing, and implementation and we bring this experience to analysis of systems subject to litigation. Our experience provides insight to remedial needs, effectiveness of chosen remedial systems, and reasonable costs necessary for site cleanup. GeoServices routinely assists Counsel in apportionment of costs and damages.
Regulatory Support & Review.
Regulations for site activities, especially on the State level, are constantly changing to address changes in technology and political and social needs. In many instances, litigation is brought years after site activities have been completed. In these instances, current regulations may not provide guidance as to the requirements in place when the site work was performed. GeoServices has successfully assisted Counsel and the Court in understanding the regulatory framework which governed site activities when the work was performed and has enabled Counsel to argue that site activities were or were not appropriate and in keeping with standards of care at the time of implementation.
Forensic Science
GeoServices’ forensic scientists work within a variety of fields to support litigation activities. Our personnel are adept at working through data to develop a sound, technically defensible, and easily understood position for legal counsel to pursue.
Presentation Graphics
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps and graphics for case development or courtroom use. Many of these illustrations are GIS based, which enables us to develop demonstratives that make technical issues readily understandable to judges and juries, and to counsel preparing to interrogate technical experts.
Technical Case Review
Expert Testimony
Since it’s founding in 1989, GeoServices, Ltd. (GeoServices) has provided expert litigation and forensic science services to in-house and local Counsel. Building on that experience, we have assembled a superior technical team capable of providing strong technical support. We provide a range of litigation services including both testifying and support services.
Our personnel have extensive experience and an exceptional litigation track record providing expert reports and testimony on a wide variety of subjects. These successes were the result of a strong collaboration of excellent legal representation and sound technical support.
We provide expert consultation, reports, and testimony in a wide variety of geologic and hydrogeologic fields, including the following:
- Hydrogeology
- Computer Modeling
- Numeric hydrogeologic models
- Fate and Transport models
- Gasoline additives
- Vapor transport
- Vapor intrusion
- Risk assessment
- Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Chlorinated solvents
- Metals
- Exposure
- Natural attenuation
- Remedial Systems design, construction and operations
- Cost Evaluations
- Cost Apportionment
- RCRA facilities
- Quarry De-watering
In addition to direct testimony and opinion preparation, GeoServices provides a variety of support services to the legal community. These include:
Technical Case Review
These services are provided to assist Counsel in early stages of litigation to aid in understanding the technical merits of a case and in making a go/no go decision on technical merits.
Third party technical review
These reviews are provided to Counsel as a reality check on technical arguments made by others, including in-house technical staff and outside technical experts.
Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis.
In cases where cost recovery damages are sought for site clean up, a careful and thorough assessment of remediation costs is required. GeoServices is experienced in remedial system alternatives evaluation, design, costing, and implementation and we bring this experience to analysis of systems subject to litigation. Our experience provides insight to remedial needs, effectiveness of chosen remedial systems, and reasonable costs necessary for site cleanup. GeoServices routinely assists Counsel in apportionment of costs and damages.
Regulatory Support & Review.
Regulations for site activities, especially on the State level, are constantly changing to address changes in technology and political and social needs. In many instances, litigation is brought years after site activities have been completed. In these instances, current regulations may not provide guidance as to the requirements in place when the site work was performed. GeoServices has successfully assisted Counsel and the Court in understanding the regulatory framework which governed site activities when the work was performed and has enabled Counsel to argue that site activities were or were not appropriate and in keeping with standards of care at the time of implementation.
Forensic Science
GeoServices’ forensic scientists work within a variety of fields to support litigation activities. Our personnel are adept at working through data to develop a sound, technically defensible, and easily understood position for legal counsel to pursue.
Presentation Graphics
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps and graphics for case development or courtroom use. Many of these illustrations are GIS based, which enables us to develop demonstratives that make technical issues readily understandable to judges and juries, and to counsel preparing to interrogate technical experts.
Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis
Expert Testimony
Since it’s founding in 1989, GeoServices, Ltd. (GeoServices) has provided expert litigation and forensic science services to in-house and local Counsel. Building on that experience, we have assembled a superior technical team capable of providing strong technical support. We provide a range of litigation services including both testifying and support services.
Our personnel have extensive experience and an exceptional litigation track record providing expert reports and testimony on a wide variety of subjects. These successes were the result of a strong collaboration of excellent legal representation and sound technical support.
We provide expert consultation, reports, and testimony in a wide variety of geologic and hydrogeologic fields, including the following:
- Hydrogeology
- Computer Modeling
- Numeric hydrogeologic models
- Fate and Transport models
- Gasoline additives
- Vapor transport
- Vapor intrusion
- Risk assessment
- Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Chlorinated solvents
- Metals
- Exposure
- Natural attenuation
- Remedial Systems design, construction and operations
- Cost Evaluations
- Cost Apportionment
- RCRA facilities
- Quarry De-watering
In addition to direct testimony and opinion preparation, GeoServices provides a variety of support services to the legal community. These include:
Technical Case Review
These services are provided to assist Counsel in early stages of litigation to aid in understanding the technical merits of a case and in making a go/no go decision on technical merits.
Third party technical review
These reviews are provided to Counsel as a reality check on technical arguments made by others, including in-house technical staff and outside technical experts.
Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis.
In cases where cost recovery damages are sought for site clean up, a careful and thorough assessment of remediation costs is required. GeoServices is experienced in remedial system alternatives evaluation, design, costing, and implementation and we bring this experience to analysis of systems subject to litigation. Our experience provides insight to remedial needs, effectiveness of chosen remedial systems, and reasonable costs necessary for site cleanup. GeoServices routinely assists Counsel in apportionment of costs and damages.
Regulatory Support & Review.
Regulations for site activities, especially on the State level, are constantly changing to address changes in technology and political and social needs. In many instances, litigation is brought years after site activities have been completed. In these instances, current regulations may not provide guidance as to the requirements in place when the site work was performed. GeoServices has successfully assisted Counsel and the Court in understanding the regulatory framework which governed site activities when the work was performed and has enabled Counsel to argue that site activities were or were not appropriate and in keeping with standards of care at the time of implementation.
Forensic Science
GeoServices’ forensic scientists work within a variety of fields to support litigation activities. Our personnel are adept at working through data to develop a sound, technically defensible, and easily understood position for legal counsel to pursue.
Presentation Graphics
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps and graphics for case development or courtroom use. Many of these illustrations are GIS based, which enables us to develop demonstratives that make technical issues readily understandable to judges and juries, and to counsel preparing to interrogate technical experts.
Ground Water Modeling
Ground Water Modeling and Fate and Transport Analysis
The movement of water in the subsurface, while well understood conceptually, varies a great deal based upon site conditions. For this reason, several ground water models have been developed that use complex mathematical calculations in an attempt to account for conditions that can affect ground water movement. These models can vary from relatively simple one-dimensional flow to complex flow fields that incorporate numerous features of the subsurface and require extensive calibration and validation.
Ground Water Model Applications
Ground water models may be necessary for numerous purposes including:
- Determining the direction and velocity of ground water flow.
- Determining the impacts of changes in ground water withdrawal on the movement of ground water.
- Evaluation of Well interference due to changes in ground water withdrawals and the proximity of wells.
- Determining the impacts of changes to ground water recharge, such as increased impervious cover and stormwater systems.
- Determining the movement of contaminants dissolved in ground water.
- Determining potential exposure pathways to contaminants migrating with ground water.
- Determining source(s) of ground water contamination based upon ground water flow direction and velocity.
Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
A commonly used extension of ground water modeling is the modeling of the fate and transport of contaminants. Fate and transport modeling addresses the migration of the contaminant in ground water as well as changes in contaminant concentrations due to dilution and degradation of the contaminant. Fate and transport modeling is commonly a regulatory requirement for determining exposure and associated risk. Fate and transport modeling permits an assessment of the likely success of various remedial activities and thereby is useful in optimizing remedial strategies. Fate and transport modeling can also be used to assess potential sources for observed ground water conditions including allocation of responsibility among potentially responsible parties (PRPs).
Fate and transport modeling begins with ground water modeling that requires a sophisticated understanding of the interaction between ground water and the environment through which it is migrating. Additionally, the contaminant fate and transport modeling requires a sophisticated understanding of the interactions between the contaminant and the subsurface that can change the rate at which a contaminant migrates and its ground water concentrations, and contaminant degradation and daughter product generation.
Modeling Services
GeoServices, Ltd. is proficient in the application of numerous ground water models and fate and transport models. GeoServices has successfully applied ground water models and fate and transport models to regulatory issues, such as impacts of ground water withdrawals, well interference studies, site characterization, site remediation, risk assessment, Pennsylvania Land Recycling (Act 2) projects and Brownfields closure, the justification of institutional controls, and justification for the use of engineering controls. Fate and transport modeling has also been successfully applied in litigation to assess responsibility and damages. We have the experience and expertise to accurately help navigate these complex technical issues.
Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling
Ground Water Modeling and Fate and Transport Analysis
The movement of water in the subsurface, while well understood conceptually, varies a great deal based upon site conditions. For this reason, several ground water models have been developed that use complex mathematical calculations in an attempt to account for conditions that can affect ground water movement. These models can vary from relatively simple one-dimensional flow to complex flow fields that incorporate numerous features of the subsurface and require extensive calibration and validation.
Ground Water Model Applications
Ground water models may be necessary for numerous purposes including:
- Determining the direction and velocity of ground water flow.
- Determining the impacts of changes in ground water withdrawal on the movement of ground water.
- Evaluation of Well interference due to changes in ground water withdrawals and the proximity of wells.
- Determining the impacts of changes to ground water recharge, such as increased impervious cover and stormwater systems.
- Determining the movement of contaminants dissolved in ground water.
- Determining potential exposure pathways to contaminants migrating with ground water.
- Determining source(s) of ground water contamination based upon ground water flow direction and velocity.
Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling
A commonly used extension of ground water modeling is the modeling of the fate and transport of contaminants. Fate and transport modeling addresses the migration of the contaminant in ground water as well as changes in contaminant concentrations due to dilution and degradation of the contaminant. Fate and transport modeling is commonly a regulatory requirement for determining exposure and associated risk. Fate and transport modeling permits an assessment of the likely success of various remedial activities and thereby is useful in optimizing remedial strategies. Fate and transport modeling can also be used to assess potential sources for observed ground water conditions including allocation of responsibility among potentially responsible parties (PRPs).
Fate and transport modeling begins with ground water modeling that requires a sophisticated understanding of the interaction between ground water and the environment through which it is migrating. Additionally, the contaminant fate and transport modeling requires a sophisticated understanding of the interactions between the contaminant and the subsurface that can change the rate at which a contaminant migrates and its ground water concentrations, and contaminant degradation and daughter product generation.
Modeling Services
GeoServices, Ltd. is proficient in the application of numerous ground water models and fate and transport models. GeoServices has successfully applied ground water models and fate and transport models to regulatory issues, such as impacts of ground water withdrawals, well interference studies, site characterization, site remediation, risk assessment, Pennsylvania Land Recycling (Act 2) projects and Brownfields closure, the justification of institutional controls, and justification for the use of engineering controls. Fate and transport modeling has also been successfully applied in litigation to assess responsibility and damages. We have the experience and expertise to accurately help navigate these complex technical issues.
Regulatory Support & Review
Expert Testimony
Since it’s founding in 1989, GeoServices, Ltd. (GeoServices) has provided expert litigation and forensic science services to in-house and local Counsel. Building on that experience, we have assembled a superior technical team capable of providing strong technical support. We provide a range of litigation services including both testifying and support services.
Our personnel have extensive experience and an exceptional litigation track record providing expert reports and testimony on a wide variety of subjects. These successes were the result of a strong collaboration of excellent legal representation and sound technical support.
We provide expert consultation, reports, and testimony in a wide variety of geologic and hydrogeologic fields, including the following:
- Hydrogeology
- Computer Modeling
- Numeric hydrogeologic models
- Fate and Transport models
- Gasoline additives
- Vapor transport
- Vapor intrusion
- Risk assessment
- Contaminant Fate and Transport
- Petroleum hydrocarbons
- Chlorinated solvents
- Metals
- Exposure
- Natural attenuation
- Remedial Systems design, construction and operations
- Cost Evaluations
- Cost Apportionment
- RCRA facilities
- Quarry De-watering
In addition to direct testimony and opinion preparation, GeoServices provides a variety of support services to the legal community. These include:
Technical Case Review
These services are provided to assist Counsel in early stages of litigation to aid in understanding the technical merits of a case and in making a go/no go decision on technical merits.
Third party technical review
These reviews are provided to Counsel as a reality check on technical arguments made by others, including in-house technical staff and outside technical experts.
Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis.
In cases where cost recovery damages are sought for site clean up, a careful and thorough assessment of remediation costs is required. GeoServices is experienced in remedial system alternatives evaluation, design, costing, and implementation and we bring this experience to analysis of systems subject to litigation. Our experience provides insight to remedial needs, effectiveness of chosen remedial systems, and reasonable costs necessary for site cleanup. GeoServices routinely assists Counsel in apportionment of costs and damages.
Regulatory Support & Review.
Regulations for site activities, especially on the State level, are constantly changing to address changes in technology and political and social needs. In many instances, litigation is brought years after site activities have been completed. In these instances, current regulations may not provide guidance as to the requirements in place when the site work was performed. GeoServices has successfully assisted Counsel and the Court in understanding the regulatory framework which governed site activities when the work was performed and has enabled Counsel to argue that site activities were or were not appropriate and in keeping with standards of care at the time of implementation.
Forensic Science
GeoServices’ forensic scientists work within a variety of fields to support litigation activities. Our personnel are adept at working through data to develop a sound, technically defensible, and easily understood position for legal counsel to pursue.
Presentation Graphics
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps and graphics for case development or courtroom use. Many of these illustrations are GIS based, which enables us to develop demonstratives that make technical issues readily understandable to judges and juries, and to counsel preparing to interrogate technical experts.
Graphics Preparation
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to accurately analyze and present data for interpretation. GIS provides a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing data and is exceedingly useful for presenting information. Using the powerful tool of GIS, GeoServices can summarize large volumes of aquifer and chemical data into readable, understandable, and useful graphics. The uses of GIS are limited only by the experience, knowledge, and creativity of those involved in their preparation and interpretation.
GIS Database Preparation
Act 2 Remediation and Litigation cases involving contaminated sites typically include a large volume of data collected from a variety of sources and field personnel. Compilation of data by our experienced scientists and GIS personnel into a comprehensive GIS database is an ideal way to extract maximum utility from the data. The database can be queried to create graphics to answer specific questions and resolve specific issues. The GIS database provides not only an effective tool to develop a conceptual model for a large data set, but also a mechanism to quickly test alternate conclusions and can be completed at a very reasonable cost.
Graphics Preparation
Using a combination of database overlay, mapping, and photographic techniques, we routinely produce GIS-based maps and presentations for regulatory reporting, client education and courtroom use.
GIS Database Preparation
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
GeoServices has in-house capabilities to produce accurate and detailed maps using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to accurately analyze and present data for interpretation. GIS provides a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing data and is exceedingly useful for presenting information. Using the powerful tool of GIS, GeoServices can summarize large volumes of aquifer and chemical data into readable, understandable, and useful graphics. The uses of GIS are limited only by the experience, knowledge, and creativity of those involved in their preparation and interpretation.
GIS Database Preparation
Act 2 Remediation and Litigation cases involving contaminated sites typically include a large volume of data collected from a variety of sources and field personnel. Compilation of data by our experienced scientists and GIS personnel into a comprehensive GIS database is an ideal way to extract maximum utility from the data. The database can be queried to create graphics to answer specific questions and resolve specific issues. The GIS database provides not only an effective tool to develop a conceptual model for a large data set, but also a mechanism to quickly test alternate conclusions and can be completed at a very reasonable cost.
Graphics Preparation
Using a combination of database overlay, mapping, and photographic techniques, we routinely produce GIS-based maps and presentations for regulatory reporting, client education and courtroom use.
Marcellus Shale Litigation Services
GeoServices’ forensic scientists have an outstanding record of success in the courtroom as well as providing expert consultation with Counsel. We offer our experience and expertise to solving problems involving Marcellus Shale drilling impacts.
Litigation Support Services – Marcellus Shale
Litigation support by GeoServices’ professionals has spanned the entire range of services offered by the firm and includes:
- Expert Testimony
- Technical Case Review
- Environmental Clean-up Cost Analysis
- Ground Water Modeling
- Vapor Intrusion Evaluation
- Contaminant Fate & Transport Modeling
- Regulatory Support & Review
- Graphics Preparation
- GIS Database Preparation
GeoServices’ experts have provided testimony in a variety of jurisdictions, including: U.S. District Court; Superior Court in New Jersey; Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania; Circuit Court in Maryland; Supreme Court in New York; and numerous County and local planning and zoning jurisdictions.
GeoServices experts have provided testimony in a variety of jurisdictions, including: U.S. District Court; Superior Court in New Jersey; Court of Common Pleas in Pennsylvania; Circuit Court in Maryland; Supreme Court in New York; and numerous County and local planning and zoning jurisdictions.